Almost to Freedom
Author: Vaunda Micheaux Nelson Category: Elementary School, Friendship, Historical Fiction, Imagination and Play, Prejudice and Racism, Preschool, Slavery Publisher: Lerner Publishing Group Language: English Reading Age: Elementary School, Preschool Illustrator: Colin Bootman More DetailsLindy and her doll Sally are best friends – wherever Lindy goes, Sally stays right by her side. They eat together, sleep together, and even pick cotton together. So, on the night Lindy and her mama run away in search of freedom, Sally goes too. This young girl’s rag doll vividly narrates her enslaved family’s courageous escape through the Underground Railroad. At once heart-wrenching and uplifting, this story about friendship and the strength of the human spirit will touch the lives of all readers long after the journey has ended.
Written by Vaunda Micheaux Nelson
Illustrated by Colin Bootman
Source: Publisher (Lerner Publishing Group)
Other Books From - Elementary School
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