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]]>His book, Teaching Reading to Black Adolescent Males: Closing the Achievement Gap’ addresses the adolescent shift black males face and the societal experiences unique to them that can hinder academic progress. With an authentic and honest voice, Tatum bridges the connections among theory, instruction, and professional development to create a roadmap for better literacy achievement. He presents practical suggestions for providing reading strategy instruction and assessment that is explicit, meaningful, and culturally responsive, as well as guidelines for selecting and discussing nonfiction and fiction texts with black males.
The author’ s first-hand insights provide middle school and high school teachers, reading specialists, and administrators with new perspectives to help schools move collectively toward the essential goal of literacy achievement for all.
Teaching Reading to Black Adolescent Males: Closing the Achievement Gap
Written by Alfred W. Tatum
Source: Publisher (Taylor & Francis)
The post Teaching Reading to Black Adolescent Males: Closing the Achievement Gap appeared first on Books for Black Kids.
]]>The post Teaching Black Boys in the Elementary Grades: Advanced Disciplinary Reading and Writing to Secure Their Futures appeared first on Books for Black Kids.
]]>Book Features:
A multidimensional model that supports reading and writing development.
Student writing artifacts that can be used as a model for teachers.
Sample lessons with texts for use across the academic disciplines.
A strong conceptual and curricular frame to support educators in their text selection.
Teaching Black Boys in the Elementary Grades: Advanced Disciplinary Reading and Writing to Secure Their Futures
Written by Alfred W. Tatum
Source: Publisher (Teachers College Press)
The post Teaching Black Boys in the Elementary Grades: Advanced Disciplinary Reading and Writing to Secure Their Futures appeared first on Books for Black Kids.