A Girl Named Rosa: The True Story of Rosa Parks (American Girl: A Girl Named)
Series: American Girl: A Girl Named Author: Denise Lewis Patrick Category: Activism and Social Justice, Biographies and Non-Fiction, Black History, Civil Rights, Upper Elementary Publisher: Scholastic Inc. Country: United States Language: English Reading Age: Elementary School, Upper Elementary Illustrator: Melissa Manwill More DetailsBefore they were American women, they were American girls! Strong. Brave. Inspiring.
The A Girl Named series tells the stories of how ordinary American girls grew up to be extraordinary American women. Rosa Parks refused to give up her bus seat to a white passenger in 1955, but how did she come to be so brave? A Girl Named Rosa describes the defining moments that made up her childhood and adolescence with full-color illustrations throughout. In addition to stories and facts about Rosa’s upbringing and accomplishments, the book includes a timeline and a glossary, plus a profile of a noteworthy and contemporary American girl following in Rosa’s monumental footsteps to stand up for equal rights, even in the face of adversity.
A Girl Named Rosa: The True Story of Rosa Parks (American Girl: A Girl Named)
Written by Denise Lewis Patrick
Illustrated by Melissa Manwill
Source: Publisher (Scholastic Inc.)
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