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Step by Step!: How the Lincoln School Marchers Blazed a Trail to Justice

 Category: Activism and Social Justice, Civil Rights  Language: English  Buy Now

Do you know the story of 19 Black mothers and 37 children who marched for school integration in Ohio? In Step by Step! 12-year-old Joyce Clemons shares her fictional memory book documenting this little-known piece of civil rights history. Following the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision, Black mothers in Hillsboro, OH, attempted to enroll their children at the all-white Webster School. However, the local school board refused the call for integration. Demanding equal education, a group of Black mothers and children marched to and from Webster daily—until Black students were admitted. In Step by Step!, New York Times bestselling author Debbie Rigaud and coauthor Dr. Carlotta Penn thoughtfully capture the voice of a young activist and emphasize the power of Black mothers’ leadership.

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