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Teaching Black Girls: Resiliency in Urban Classrooms

 Author: Venus Evans-Winters  Category: Books for Educators, Diversity and Inclusion, For Girls, Poverty and Homelessness, Prejudice and Racism, Preserverance and Determination  Reading Age: Educators or Parents  Amazon  Bookshop org

In this updated volume of Teaching Black Girls: Resiliency in Urban Classrooms, Venus E. Evans-Winters uses qualitative research methods to interpret and discuss school resilience in the lives of African American female students. The book demonstrates how these girls are simultaneously one of the most vulnerable, and one of the most resilient group of students. Teaching Black Girls implements alternative approaches to the study of the intersection of race, class, and gender on schooling, deliberately highlighting how students growing up and attending schools in urban neighborhoods are educationally resilient in the face of adversity. Through dialogue and self-reflection, the author and participants in the ethnographic study documented here reconstruct and tell stories of resilience to derive practice that is both gender and culturally relevant. Teaching Black Girls has research and practice implications for graduate students, advanced pre-service teachers, and school practitioners.

Teaching Black Girls: Resiliency in Urban Classrooms
Written by Venus Evans-Winters

Source:, Publisher (Peter Lang Inc., International Academic Publishers)

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