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The History of Juneteenth: A History Book for New Readers

 Author: Arlisha Norwood  Category: Black History, Elementary School, Holidays, Juneteenth, Slavery  Country: United States  Language: English  Buy Now

On June 19, 1865, a Union soldier traveled to Texas to tell the enslaved people who lived there that they were free–that slavery was now illegal in every state. The people danced and sang in celebration of their freedom. Today, we pay tribute to this historical day with a special holiday on June 19 called Juneteenth. This colorfully illustrated story takes kids on an exciting journey through all the events that led up to the first Juneteenth, the day itself, and the impact it had on the future of the United States. The History of Juneteenth: A History Book for New Readers Written by Arlisha Norwood Illustrated by Sawyer Cloud Source: Publisher (Rockridge Press)

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