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Your Name Is a Song

 Author: Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow  Category: Culture and Heritage, Elementary School, Family, Preschool, Self-Esteem  Reading Age: Elementary School, Preschool  Language: English  Illustrator: Luisa Uribe  Amazon  Bookshop org

Frustrated by a day full of teachers and classmates mispronouncing her beautiful name, a little girl tells her mother she never wants to come back to school. In response, the girl’s mother teaches her about the musicality of African, Asian, Black-American, Latinx, and Middle Eastern names on their lyrical walk home through the city. Empowered by this newfound understanding, the young girl is ready to return the next day to share her knowledge with her class. Your Name is a Song is a celebration to remind all of us about the beauty, history, and magic behind names.

Your Name is a Song includes back matter perfect for parents, educators, caregivers, and young readers who want to learn more about the names featured in the story. The “Glossary of Names” lists each name’s meaning, origin, and pronunciation. Additionally, readers can use a listed link to access an online video of the author pronouncing all the names in the book.

Your Name is a Song
Written by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow
Illustrated by Luisa Uribe

Source: Publisher (Innovation Press)

Other Books From - Culture and Heritage

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