A project named Books for Black Kids doesn’t need to wait for an occasion to uplift diverse literature. That said, Black History Month was the perfect opportunity to shine a light on the diversity of the Black literary world.
The “Black History Month with Books for Black Kids” campaign took place on Substack and several other social media platforms. Every day focused on a theme, including genres, topics, historical figures, and authors. Books for infants, preschoolers, K–12 students, adults, and educators were featured, along with links to the Books to Black Kids directory and the occasional article.
The diversity of Black literature goes deep. These 300+ books are a small sample of the directory, much less the Black literary world.
Interested in books for children, (young) adults, parents, or educators with Black protagonists and Black authors? Check out the Books for Black Kids book directory! Over 2,500 listings and counting!
Black History Month with Books for Black Kids
Here is the BHM with BFBK campaign in one place, with every video, Substack article, and directory link.
Click the day to scroll down to that video, the theme for the accompanying article on Substack, and the directory to look through that category in the Books for Black Kids directory.
Happy reading!
- Day 1: Black Joy (directory)
- Day 2: Historical Fiction (directory)
- Day 3: Politics and Government (directory)
- Day 4: Rosa Parks (directory)
- Day 5: Autobiographies (directory)
- Day 6: Music (directory)
- Day 7: (The Study of) Black History (directory)
- Day 8: Sports (directory)
- Day 9: STEM, Inventions, and Innovation (directory)
- Day 10: Fantasy and Enchantment (directory)
- Day 11: Books for Educators: Teaching Black Girls (directory) (14 Books for Teachers to Support Black Girls in the Classroom)
- Day 12: Books for Educators: Teaching Black Boys (directory) (13 Books for Educators Invested in the Success of Black Boys)
- Day 13: Advice for Black Teens (directory)
- Day 14: Frederick Douglass (directory)
- Day 15: Affirmations for Black Kids (directory)
- Day 16: Graphic Novels and Comic Books (directory)
- Day 17: The Harlem Renaissance (directory)
- Day 18: Science Fiction (directory)
- Day 19: Author Spotlight—Jason Reynolds (directory) (18 Award-Winning Books by Jason Reynolds that Celebrate Black Youth)
- Day 20: Horror (directory)
- Day 21: Malcolm X (directory)
- Day 22: Banned Books: Preschool and Elementary (Banned Books: 31 Children’s Books by Black Authors (Preschool and Elementary)
- Day 23: Black Mental Health and Wellness (directory)
- Day 24: Banned Books: Middle School, High School, and Beyond (12 Banned Children’s Books by Black Authors (Middle School, Upper Elementary)); (34 Banned Books by Black Authors for High School, Young Adults, and Beyond)
- Day 25: Books for Educators: Cultural Competence and Social Reform (directory)
- Day 26: Board Books for Black Babies (directory)
- Day 27: Activity Books for Black Youth (directory)
- Day 28: Money and Finances (directory)
300+ Diverse Stories for Black Children, Teens, and Adults: Video List
Black Joy
Today deserved a second video…
Historical Fiction
Politics and Government
Rosa Parks
(The Study of) Black History
STEM, Inventions, and Innovation
Fantasy and Enchantment
Books for Educators: Teaching Black Girls
Books for Educators: Teaching Black Boys
Advice for Black Teens
Frederick Douglass
Affirmations for Black Kids
Graphic Novels and Comic Books
The Harlem Renaissance
Science Fiction
Author Spotlight—Jason Reynolds
Malcolm X
Banned Books: Preschool and Elementary Education
Black Mental Health and Wellness
Banned Books: Middle School, High School, and Beyond
Books for Educators: Cultural Competence and Social Reform
Board Books for Black Babies
Activity Books for Black Youth
Money and Finances
Interested in books for children, (young) adults, parents, or educators with Black protagonists and Black authors? Check out the Books for Black Kids book directory! Over 2,500 listings and counting!